Computer Repair near Scottsdale AZ

by In-A-Dash Computer Repair®

(480) 542-8733

Thank you for choosing In-A-Dash Computer Repair near Scottsdale AZ. We perform mobile on-site repairs in Scottsdale Arizona as well as the surrounding area. If you live in or near Scottsdale AZ, then you are most likely within our service area.

All mobile computer repair near Scottsdale appointments include:

  1. 7 days of free follow-up phone as well as remote computer support.
  2. Free anti-virus software and installation on your computer.
  3. Diagnosis or tune-up of all your computers without separate charges.
  4. You will get a 6-month warranty on all computer repairs we perform.
  5. We’ll install your printers and other hardware with no separate fees.

We have the simplest pricing in the business. In-A-Dash Computer Repair’s mobile labor rate is only $99 per hour. Our on-site service appointments have only a 1 hour minimum. There are no trip charges in our local areas.

Common computer repair near Scottsdale services

We have been performing Computer Repair near Scottsdale AZ since 1998. We pride ourselves as being a part of this community as well as helping others in it. If you are a resident or small business here we are glad to help you with your IT needs.

Click here to read more about our on-site appointments

Our technicians know your time is valuable. They will work quickly as well as systematically to diagnose and resolve the issues with your equipment.  If you have questions during your appointment feel free to ask as many as you like. We do not charge extra “tutorial fees.”

All of our technicians who perform computer repair near Scottsdale AZ have passed background checks. We have well trained techs who also have many years in the field. We stay current with technology so you will receive the best service.

In-A-Dash has the best follow up service in the business because you will receive support after your appointment. If you have any questions after your appointment just give us a call. We will answer all of your questions, even a week later, to be sure you are confident with your repairs.

In-A-Dash performs services for residential and business customers. We have thousands of clients and we can help you as well. We have been performing services near Scottsdale AZ for 20 years. Call us today to find out how we can help you.